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- by
- Ron Coffen
- Every product of your imagination
- and labor deserves a personal touch--
- even your computer programs. EDITOR
- IN CHIEF makes getting that special
- touch easy by allowing you to design
- your own character sets or use one of
- seven fonts already provided.
- A font is the set of characters
- used to form the words and symbols
- that your programs print out across
- the screen while your program is
- running. For example, these words
- themselves are formed from characters
- with a particular font design.
- Why would you want to change fonts?
- Well, one of the biggest reasons is
- that changing fonts from the standard
- Commodore font can give your program
- the variety and polish it would
- otherwise lack.
- Another reason you would want to
- change fonts is that some fonts can
- add a whole new atmosphere and
- cultural flavor to your programs.
- For example, if you were writing an
- adventure game set in King Arthur's
- time, a Celtic design for your
- letters would be a nice touch for
- your program. An adventure set in
- the future would benefit from a
- high-tech, futuristic font.
- Another benefit of being able to
- design your own characters is that
- you can take a character, alter it,
- and then let it stand as a symbol for
- an artifact or character in an
- adventure game such as a treasure
- or a monster. Also, a character
- editor like EDITOR IN CHIEF is
- essential if you need to create
- special symbols like musical notes.
- As you can see, EDITOR IN CHIEF can
- add a whole new dimension to your
- programs.
- To make use of EDITOR IN CHIEF in
- your programs, you must first store
- the file containing the font you will
- be using. Then adding the code--
- listed at the bottom of these
- instuctions-- to the beginning of
- your program will let you access that
- font. After this, any text printed
- to the screen will appear in the new
- font.
- When running this program, you will
- first be asked if you wish to clear
- the character set currently in
- memory. If you are using the program
- for the first time or after having
- turned the power off, you need to
- answer (Y)es. But if you are
- returning to your work when the
- computer has not been turned off,
- pressing (N)o will reveal the
- character set you were working on.
- After you have responded to this
- question, the computer then sets up
- the main program. At the bottom
- right of the screen, you will see the
- character set you are editing. In
- the upper right of the screen are
- sixteen representations of the
- character you are editing at that
- moment. (The program starts with
- "A").
- In the top left corner is the
- editing grid where you make changes
- to each character. Again, you will
- see that a large "A" is the starting
- point.
- Below the editing grid is a list of
- your seven options:
- 1. Edit Character
- 2. Get Normal Font
- 3. Move Characters
- 4. Load Font
- 5. Save Font
- 6. Print Values
- 7. Hard Copy of Values
- 8. Return to Loadstar
- Pressing the corresponding number
- chooses the option.
- Note that pressing F1 or F7 will
- change the screen color. And the
- "REPEAT ON/OFF" sign found in the
- middle of the screen lets you perform
- an editing function such as rotation
- repeatedly merely by pressing the
- correct key repeatedly if this option
- is activated. If the "ON" sign is in
- a lighter color than the rest of the
- screen, the function is activated.
- To turn this option on and off,
- merely press "R".
- After you select this option, you
- are prompted to enter either the
- ASCII value for the character you want
- or the character itself. For
- example, entering either a "1" or an
- "A" will let you edit the first
- letter of the alphabet.
- The character you select is
- displayed in an enlarged form over
- the editing grid. At the upper left
- corner of the grid is a flashing
- cursor that is moved with the cursor
- keys.
- Pressing "=" sets the pixel under
- the cursor; pressing the SPACE BAR
- will clear the pixel under the
- cursor. By filling in or clearing
- the blocks of the grid, you can alter
- the character almost any way you like.
- Once you have the character like you
- want it, pressing RETURN will make
- that change in the character set.
- Commands used to manipulate the
- editing grid are listed below the
- grid and largely self-explanatory:
- 1. Cursor keys move cursor
- 2. F1/F7 raises/lowers screen color
- 3. "=" sets pixel under cursor
- 4. SPACE BAR clears pixel under
- cursor
- 5. "@" rotates grid clockwise
- 6. SHIFT + "@" rotates grid
- counter-clockwise
- 7. "M" mirrors grid
- 8. "I" inverses grid
- 9. U/N moves the grid up/down
- 10. RETURN makes changes
- 11. "C" cancels changes
- 12. CLR clears grid
- The second option lets you replace
- part of your character set with a
- normal font. Entering the ASCII
- values of the beginning and ending
- characters of the string will replace
- it with a block of characters in
- normal font.
- This option moves strings of
- characters to other positions within
- the character set. Again you must
- specify the ASCII values of the
- beginning and ending characters of
- the string as well as the the value
- of where you want to place the
- string.
- This option is primarily a copy
- option that lets you save a number of
- symbols close together in the
- character set. This option is
- especially valuable when you are
- dealing with symbols like musical
- notes that are very much, but not
- quite alike. Sometimes a
- side-by-side comparison is necessary
- to discern the difference between
- symbols under these circumstances.
- This option will load your own
- fonts or one of seven fonts already
- provided. The seven fonts are stored
- as FONT0, FONT1, FONT2, etc. Type in
- the filename and press RETURN to load
- the desired file.
- This option saves the font you
- presently have in memory so that you
- can modify it later or use it in your
- own programs. If you save it under
- a filename that is already on the
- disk, the old file will be removed
- and replaced with the new font.
- This option displays the grid
- pattern and the decimal values of a
- series of characters. When you
- select this option, you are prompted
- for the ASCII values of the beginning
- and ending characters of the string
- you wish to view.
- The grid pattern along with the
- decimal values of each letter is
- displayed. Pressing RETURN sends you
- to the next letter.
- The last option will dump the
- decimal values of the selected
- characters to your printer with a
- device number of 4 and a secondary
- address of 4.
- To use the fonts created with
- EDITOR IN CHIEF in your own programs,
- use the following lines at the
- beginning of your program:
- 5 IF ML=1 THEN ML=0:GOTO 15
- 10 POKE56334,PEEK(56334)OR1:
- POKE53272,(PEEK(53272)AND240)+12
- 12 ML=1:LOAD"font name",8,1
- 15 rest of program here
- After this code is added to your
- program and after you have saved the
- file containing the font you wish to
- use on your disk, any text printed to
- the screen will appear in your new
- font.
- FONT0 ... FONT6
- -------------< end text >------------